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Capelin Fish & Landvaettir 10 Kronur Iceland Authentic Coin Money for Jewelry and Craft Making (Smelt)

Capelin Fish & Landvaettir 10 Kronur Iceland Authentic Coin Money for Jewelry and Craft Making (Smelt)

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Capelin Fish & Landvaettir 10 Kronur Iceland Authentic Coin Charm for Jewelry and Craft Making (Smelt)

Obverse: The four traditional protector spirits ("Landvættir") of Iceland. These are Griðungur the bull, Gammur the eagle, Dreki the dragon, and Bergrisi the giant.
Lettering: TÍU KRÓNUR
Translation: Ten Krónur

Reverse: Face value above four Capelin fishes (Mallotus villosus).
Lettering: 10 KR
Translation: 10 Krónur

Issuer Iceland
Period Republic (1944-date)
Type Standard circulation coin
Years 1996-2008
Value 10 Krónur
10 ISK = 0.08 USD
Currency New króna (1980-date)
Composition Nickel plated steel
Weight 7.00 g
Diameter 27.50 mm
Thickness 1.78 mm
Shape Round
Orientation Medal alignment ↑↑
Number N# 7912
References KM# 29.1a, Schön# 32a

The capelin or caplin (Mallotus villosus) is a small forage fish of the smelt family found in the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arctic oceans. In summer, it grazes on dense swarms of plankton at the edge of the ice shelf. Larger capelin also eat a great deal of krill and other crustaceans. Among others, whales, seals, Atlantic cod, Atlantic mackerel, squid, and seabirds prey on capelin, in particular during the spawning season while the capelin migrate south. Capelin spawn on sand and gravel bottoms or sandy beaches at the age of two to six years. When spawning on beaches, capelin have an extremely high post-spawning mortality rate which, for males, is close to 100%. Males reach 20 cm (8 in) in length, while females are up to 25.2 cm (10 in) long. They are olive-colored dorsally, shading to silver on sides. Males have a translucent ridge on both sides of their bodies. The ventral aspects of the males iridesce reddish at the time of spawn.

Capelin populations in the Barents Sea and around Iceland perform extensive seasonal migrations. Barents Sea capelin migrate during winter and early spring to the coast of northern Norway (Finnmark) and the Kola Peninsula (Russia) for spawning. During summer and autumn, capelin migrate north- and north-eastward for feeding.

Icelandic capelin move inshore in large schools to spawn and migrate in spring and summer to feed in the plankton-rich oceanic area between Iceland, Greenland, and Jan Mayen. Capelin distribution and migration is linked with ocean currents and water masses. Around Iceland, maturing capelin usually undertake extensive northward feeding migrations in spring and summer, and the return migration takes place in September to November. The spawning migration starts from north of Iceland in December to January.


The coat of arms of Iceland displays a silver-edged, red cross on blue shield, alluding to the design of the flag of Iceland. It is the only national arms to feature four supporters: the four protectors of Iceland (landvættir) as described in Heimskringla, standing on a block of columnar basalt. The bull (Griðungur) is the protector of northwestern Iceland, the eagle or griffin (Gammur) protects northeastern Iceland, the dragon (Dreki) protects the southeastern part, and the rock-giant (Bergrisi) is the protector of southwestern Iceland. Great respect was given to these creatures of Iceland, so much that there was a law during the time of the Vikings that no ship should bear grimacing symbols (most often dragonheads on the bow of the ship) when approaching Iceland. This was so the protectors would not be provoked unnecessarily.

The landvættir also decorate the obverse (front) of the Icelandic króna coins, but animals of the ocean (fish, crabs, and dolphins) appear on the reverse (back). The Icelandic presidency uses a swallowtailed Icelandic flag with the coat of arms. The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police uses a white flag with the coat of arms, when the use of the State flag is not warranted, and some other state services do as well.

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Worked really well for a project I'm worki...

Worked really well for a project I'm working on.