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Giant Armadillo 5 Bolivares Venezuela Authentic Banknote for Craft Making

Giant Armadillo 5 Bolivares Venezuela Authentic Banknote for Craft Making

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Giant Armadillo 5 Bolivares Venezuela Authentic Banknote for Craft Making

Obverse: Image of Negro Primero (Pedro Camejo) at lower centre

Lettering: República Bolivariana de Venezuela
19 DE AGOSTO 2014

Translation: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
AUGUST 19, 2014

Reverse: Image of two Giant Armadillos, Venezuelan coat of arms to left

Lettering: Banco Centrale de Venezuela
Cuspón (Cachicamo Gigante)
Los Llanos

Translation: Central Bank of Venezuela
Cuspon (Giant Cachicamo)
The plains

Watermark: Pedro Camejo with numeral 5 below

Issuer Venezuela
Issuing bank Central Bank of Venezuela
Period Bolivarian Republic (1999-date)
Type Standard banknote
Years 2007-2014
Value 5 Bolivars (5 VEF)
Currency Bolívar Fuerte (2008-2018)
Composition Paper
Size 156 × 69 mm
Shape Rectangular
Demonetized Yes
Number N# 203178
References P# 89

The giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus), colloquially tatou, ocarro, tatu-canastra or tatú carreta, is the largest living species of armadillo (although their extinct relatives, the glyptodonts, were much larger). It lives in South America, ranging throughout as far south as northern Argentina. This species is considered vulnerable to extinction.

The giant armadillo prefers termites and some ants as prey, and often consumes the entire population of a termite mound. It also has been known to prey upon worms, larvae and larger creatures, such as spiders and snakes, and plants.

The giant armadillo is the largest living species of armadillo, with 11 to 13 hinged bands protecting the body and a further three or four on the neck. Its body is dark brown in color, with a lighter, yellowish band running along the sides, and a pale, yellow-white head. These armadillos have around 80 to 100 teeth, which is more than any other terrestrial mammal. The teeth are all similar in appearance, being reduced premolars and molars, grow constantly throughout life, and lack enamel. They also possess extremely long front claws, including a sickle-shaped third claw up to 22 cm (8.7 in) in length, which are proportionately the largest of any living mammal. The tail is covered in small rounded scales and does not have the heavy bony scutes that cover the upper body and top of the head. The animal is almost entirely hairless, with just a few beige colored hairs protruding between the scutes.

Giant armadillos typically weigh around 18.7–32.5 kg (41–72 lb) when fully grown, however a 54 kg (119 lb) specimen has been weighed in the wild and captive specimens have been weighed up to 80 kg (180 lb). The typical length of the species is 75–100 cm (30–39 in), with the tail adding another 50 cm (20 in).

Giant armadillos are solitary and nocturnal, spending the day in burrows. They also burrow to escape predators, being unable to completely roll into a protective ball. Compared with those of other armadillos, their burrows are unusually large, with entrances averaging 43 cm (17 in) wide, and typically opening to the west.

Giant armadillos use their large front claws to dig for prey and rip open termite mounds. The diet is mainly composed of termites, although ants, worms, spiders and other invertebrates are also eaten. Little is currently known about this species' reproductive biology, and no juveniles have ever been discovered in the field. The average sleep time of a captive giant armadillo is said to be 18.1 hours.

Armadillos have not been extensively studied in the wild; therefore, little is known about their natural ecology and behavior. In the only long term study on the species, that started in 2003 in the Peruvian Amazon, dozens of other species of mammals, reptiles and birds were found using the giant armadillos' burrows on the same day, including the rare short-eared dog (Atelocynus microtis). Because of this, the species is considered a habitat engineer, and the local extinction of Priodontes may have cascading effects in the mammalian community by impoverishing fossorial habitat. Additionally, the giant armadillo was once key to controlling leaf cutter populations which could destroy crops, but they can also damage crops themselves when digging through soil.

Female giant armadillos have two teats and have a gestational period of about five months. Evidence points to only giving birth once every three years.[citation needed] Little is known with certainty about their life history, although it is thought that the young are weaned by about seven to eight months of age, and that the mother periodically seals up the entrance to burrows containing younger offspring, presumably to protect them from predators. Although they have never bred in captivity, a wild-born giant armadillo at San Antonio Zoo was estimated to have been around sixteen years old when it died.

Hunted throughout its range, a single giant armadillo supplies a great deal of meat, and is the primary source of protein for some indigenous peoples. In addition, live giant armadillos are frequently captured for trade on the black market, and invariably die during transportation or in captivity. Despite this species’ wide range, it is locally rare. This is further exacerbated by habitat loss resulting from deforestation. Current estimates indicate the giant armadillo may have undergone a worrying population decline of 30 to 50 percent over the past three decades. Without intervention, this trend is likely to continue.


Pedro Camejo, also known as Negro Primero or 'The First Black' (San Juan de Payara, Captaincy General of Venezuela, 1790-June 24, 1821) was a Venezuelan soldier that fought with the Royal Army and later with the Rebel Army during the Venezuelan War of Independence, reaching the rank of lieutenant. The nickname Negro Primero was inspired by his bravery and skill in handling spears, and because he was always in the first line of attack on the battlefield. It is also attributed to his having been the only black officer in the army of Simon Bolívar.

It is believed that Pedro Camejo is native to San Juan de Payara. Camejo was one of the 150 lancers who participated in the Battle of Las Queseras del Medio, later receiving the Order of Liberators of Venezuela for his participation. In the Battle of Carabobo, he fought with one of the cavalry regiments of the first division commanded by José Antonio Páez. Eduardo Blanco, in his book Venezuela Heroica, describes the moment when Camejo presented himself before General Páez with an unfailing voice said to him: "My general, I come to tell you goodbye, because I am dead".

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5 stars review from Vicki

5 stars review from Vicki

Brother T
I highly recommend Elemintal for its wide...

I highly recommend Elemintal for its wide variety of currency in perfect condition and in protective cases, for fast shipping and for low prices. Among many other great deals, I just received an impressive, large mint 5 bolivares banknote from Venezuela. The armadillos on the reverse are wonderful, but the obverse is stunning! It's a beautiful engraving of a statue of Pedro Camejo, or 'Negro Primero', a Venezuelan lieutenant who fought in the Venezuelan War of Independence! I only paid $2.18!!

Fine bank note that came promptly and well...

Fine bank note that came promptly and well packaged!

Andrew C
5 stars review from Andrew

5 stars review from Andrew

Latricia B
Super fast shipping and item just as descr...

Super fast shipping and item just as described.