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Perfect Family Two Children Are Enough Campaign 5 Rupiah Indonesia Authentic Coin Money for Jewelry and Craft Making (Family Planning)

Perfect Family Two Children Are Enough Campaign 5 Rupiah Indonesia Authentic Coin Money for Jewelry and Craft Making (Family Planning)

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Perfect Family Two Children Are Enough Campaign 5 Rupiah Indonesia Authentic Coin Money for Jewelry and Craft Making (Family Planning)

Commemorative issue: FAO - Family Planning Program
Obverse: Standing people 'the ideal family' holding hands - two children with a parent either side, within rice and cotton stalk wreath, inner circle surrounds

Translation: Family Planning
Towards the welfare of the people

Reverse: Stars flank date below denomination, inner circle surrounds


Issuer Indonesia
Period Republic (1950-date)
Type Circulating commemorative coin
Years 1979-1996
Value 5 Rupiah (5 IDR)
Currency Rupiah (1965-date)
Composition Aluminium
Weight 1.38 g
Diameter 23 mm
Thickness 1.7 mm
Shape Round
Technique Milled
Orientation Medal alignment ↑↑
Demonetized 29 November 2016
Number N# 3081
References KM# 43, Schön# 33

Indonesia: Population Policy Case Study 1
By Jenna Dodson

Population policies of the late 20th century played a central role in the global decline in fertility rates. These policies mobilized resources to enact policies aimed at reducing fertility by widening contraception provision and changing family-size norms. In the first of a series of Positive Population Policy Case Studies, The Overpopulation Team examines population policies in Indonesia, which implemented one of the most efficient and non-coercive family planning programs in history. In the thirty years of focused family planning efforts, fertility dropped 54%, from 5.6 in 1970 to 2.6 in 2000.

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world (264 million), and the capital city, Jakarta, the second most populous urban area in the world. Although a Muslim-majority country, Indonesia has six recognized religions and substantial ethnic, cultural and economic diversity. Like other East Asian countries, Indonesia viewed fertility reduction through family planning as an integral component of a comprehensive development strategy. Family planning was first introduced in 1957 by the Indonesian Family Planning Association as part of a private institution. Family planning activities became semi-governmental in 1968 and fully institutionalized in 1970 with the formation of the National Center for Coordination of Family Planning (Badan Koodinasi Keluarga Berentjana Nasional, BKKBN).

Just prior to the formation of the BKKBM, the government published a pamphlet titled, “Views of Religions on Family Planning,” which documented the general acceptance of family planning by four of Indonesia’s five official religions at the time – Islam, Hinduism, Protestant and Catholic Christianity1. This government and religious backing provided the catalyst for social change that laid the foundation for fostering a common national outlook positive to family planning.

TFR decline in Indonesia
Government backing proved to be instrumental. Since the program was institutionalized, the BKKBM had ties to President Suharto, who gave the program strong backing. This meant program support from the governmental ministries, island administrations and endorsements from the private sector, including media, academia and Indonesia’s cultural and religious leaders. Print media such as posters, leaflets and magazine articles were used to disseminate information about the benefits of contraceptive use, technical information about contraceptive methods and nearest family planning clinics. A highly popular entertainment-education radio soap opera called “Butir Pasir Di Laut” (“Grains of Sand in the Sea”) promoted the value of family planning. Population concepts and concerns were also included in school curricula. “Small family size” encouragements and references on “how to achieve this by using contraceptives” were included in texts and Indonesian and Javanese plays. The social acceptance of family planning methods into the culture ensured the compatibility of social and cultural norms with the technical, economic, and political dimensions of the policies.

The campaign logo used during the BKKBN family planning program said “Let’s Join KB [BKKBN], 2 Children Are Enough”.

Implementation was managed downward, and the program engaged clinical professionals, including academic, provincial and district-based gynecologists and obstetricians. BKKBN provided program guidelines, budgets, and supplies, but provincial offices were largely autonomous in the allocation of those resources. Using a wide array of inputs and activities, local officials tailored the program to local characteristics, targeting areas for activities that would be most productive. For example, communities characterized by very low levels of contraceptive prevalence were targeted for outreach by mobile family planning teams and community-based programs, while high-prevalence areas received programs intended to increase continuation3. Trained fieldworkers and community volunteers ensured the program reached remote, rural areas – particularly impressive for a country with over seventeen thousand islands, and contraceptive distribution was even undertaken by labor unions working in collaboration with the government.

Collaboration between the government and community was essential. The program emphasized institutions not normally associated with family planning in a way that was socially acceptable and socially invigorating, allowing for increased engagement and broader reach. By the late 1990s, family planning had become universally accepted practice among almost all political, religious and social groups – virtually all Indonesian women knew how to obtain and use a number of contraceptive methods, were acting on that knowledge. The program slowed following the 1997 economic crisis and accompanying political and financial upheaval, and was decentralized in 2004. Fertility decline has since stalled near 2.5.

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